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Thursday, February 18, 2010

got milk? maybe you dont want to.

PASTEURIZATION...this is what is done in milk.

There is no substitute for clean, raw milk as a food, so far as children are concerned. Science has not yet succeeded in providing, in the pasteurized variety, those essential qualities that are the only real foundation for a healthy child
If we are to be compelled to drink pasteurized milk, we should at least understand what pasteurization means. It set out to accomplish two things: -Destruction of certain disease-carrying germs and the prevention of souring milk. These results are obtained by keeping the milk at a temperature of 145 degrees to 150 degrees F for half an hour, at least, and then 
-reducing the temperature to not more than 55 degrees F.
It is undoubtedly beneficial to destroy dangerous germs, but pasteurization does more than this--it kills off harmless and useful germs alike, and by subjecting the milk to high temperatures, destroys some nutritious constituents.
Pasteurization destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamin content, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamin B12 and vitamin B6, kills beneficial bacteria, promotes pathogens and is associated with allergies, increased tooth decay, colic in infants, growth problems in children, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and cancer.
Calves fed pasteurized milk die before maturity.
Raw milk sours naturally, but pasteurized milk turns putrid and processors must remove slime and pus from pasteurized milk by a process of centrifugal clarification. Inspection of dairy herds for disease is not required for pasteurized milk. The practice of heating milk to kill germs was instituted in the 20s to combat TB, infant diarrhea, undulant fever and other diseases caused by poor animal nutrition and dirty production methods.
But times have changed and modern stainless steel tanks, milking machines, refrigerated trucks and inspection methods make pasteurization absolutely unnecessary for public protection. Clean raw milk from certified healthy cows is available commercially in several states and may be bought directly from the farm in many more. By executive order, it is forbidden to transport raw milk across state lines.

So don’t waste your money on "organic" milk anymore. This is a waste of your resources. Redirect your energy to find real raw milk sources. Ideally, you can find a local farmer who will be willing to sell this to you. If you find one you will want to encourage him to consider restricting grains from the cow’s feed to improve the quality of the milk.
If you are unable to find a local dairy farmer who will cooperate with you please try this link:

So I checked out this site and unfortunately there are no raw milk sources in Hawaii!! So I guess Ill have to do a little more research. I know for a fact that the health food stores sell goats milk, which actually is better than cows and easily absorbed. I personally only use rice milk, almond milk and sometimes soy. 
If you are worried about calcium, take a good WHOLE FOOD based calcium supplement and eat  lots of dark green veggies which are high in calcium. 
So, before you go buy a gallon of yummy(NOT) milk...seriously, think again. It has been linked to sooo many allergies, including chronic ear infections.

Make good choices for you and your family..BE WELL.

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